Thursday 22 September 2011

A life spent waiting......................

OK everybody,
So I've been busy sending out books to bloggers to review, emails to newspapers and magazines, posting articles in the digital media and reaching out to anyone that could be of help in getting awareness for The Taba Convention.
And now.......................I wait. Waiting can drive you mad.
Will someone like the book? Will they post a good review?
Will someone contact me for an interview? Was I right to send the book to all these people?
Thoughts crowd your mind all the time............after all, it's your first book, your baby, and it has to succeed!
......and then you start the rollercoaster ride that takes you to the heights of exhilirating hope and dashes you to the ground of melancholic expectations.
The answer?   PATIENCE..............seldom in a woman and NEVER in a man! And yet I have to sit patiently and wait for results of my outreach, and believe that they will be good, because my baby is good, and deserves to be out there.
All the best,

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